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Locker Room and Cell Phone Electronic Device Policy 


The Locker Room Policy and policy that applies to all teams including Bantam and Adult League. 


It is the policy of YIHAAW to have at least one responsible adult present monitoring the locker room during all team events to assure that only participants (coaches and players), approved team personnel and family members are permitted in the locker room and to supervise the conduct in the locker room.. Any individual meetings between a minor participant and a coach or other adult in a locker room shall require that a second responsible adult is present. Further, responsible adults must also secure the locker room appropriately during times when minor participants are on the rink. 


Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, which includes voice recording, still cameras, and video cameras, increase the risk for some forms of abuse or misconduct. As a result, the use of a mobile device’s recording capabilities in the locker rooms is not permitted at any YIHAAW sanctioned event. 

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